SoPHIE API Documentation

Locale API Documentation

Locale API provides functionality to format number, dates and other contents according to locale settings

Init: $localeApi = $api->get('sophielabs_locale');

Method: $localeApi->getAvailableLocales(...)

Returns the available locales

Returns Array

Method: $localeApi->hasAvailableLocale(...)

Returns if a locale is available

Returns Boolean

Method: $localeApi->getLocale(...)

Returns the current locale

Returns String

Method: $localeApi->getLocaleInfo(...)

Returns information for the current locale

Returns Array Locale Information returned by PHP function localeconv for the current locale

Method: $localeApi->getLocaleDecimalPoint(...)

Returns the decimal point character for the current locale

Returns String

Method: $localeApi->getLocaleThousandsSeparator(...)

Returns the thousands separator character for the current locale

Returns String

Method: $localeApi->formatNumber(...)

Formats a number according to parameters and locale settings


  • $number int|float Numericvalue to be formatted
  • $decimals int Number of decimals, defauls to 2
  • $decimalPoint int|null Decimal point character, defaults to locale setting
  • $thousandsSeparator int|null Thousands separator character, defaults to locale setting